Love Notes 1.1.24

A message to the YOUest YOU.

Hello You!

Here’s today’s Love Note from the YOUniverse :

The YOUniverse wants you to be the most YOU you can be. That might sound strange. Like, I AM the most me already, right?

Fact is though, we’re all actually mostly busy trying to be the person we THINK we’re supposed to be.

So we’ll be sending fun reminders each day to help point you back to who you ACTUALLY are. Because here’s the thing, the world honestly needs the YOUest you possible.

Literally NO ONE ELSE can be you. I know, right?! When you put it like that it sounds like a pretty big deal!

Here’s a fun challenge for the day: Catch yourself saying, “I should. . .”. When you hear that, pause for a moment and ask “Why?” Often the' ‘Shoulds’ are really other people’s expectations of us.

Go be the YOUest today!


PS: Want to get on a faster track back to the truest you ? Let’s jump on a Human Design Essentials call. You’ll get to see your 1 in 8.1 Billion BodyGraph that maps out your unique energetic blueprint. We can walk through a bit about what makes you so special (literally everything!) and also see the challenges and roadblocks to getting back to the YOUest you.
