Love Yourself

Everything starts there . . .

You are your best thing.

—Toni Morrison

Hello YOU!

Today is a day that we’re all conditioned to focus on showing people we love that we love them. Or, expecting people we love to show US love.

That’s a tricky game. Because it skips over a key element.

We have to love ourselves first.

That might be a very activating thought for you.

These are the sorts of spots where I find the lens of Human Design to be so useful.

Knowing your design gives you an opportunity to see if self love comes easily and naturally to you. Or not.

Some of us are designed with ready access to our own unique greatness.

Most of us have a much more inconsistent connection to our inherent value and inner beauty.

When we know what’s true for us at the mechanical level, it can help us better navigate those times when we feel inadequate, worthless, or unloveable.

It’s a reminder that even though all the love in the world may be coming in from others, it will bounce right off us if we’re not ready and able to receive it.

So, if you’re feeling a bit adrift on this day of love, it might be helpful to look at your Human Design bodygraph again.

Can’t find your bodygraph? Let me send it to you again!

Look at your Identity and Heart centers. Are either or both white? If so, you are part of the 70ish% of humanity who has inconsistent access to your own love, direction, and willpower. These energies come and go inside of you.

There is nothing wrong with that. You are perfect.

In fact you are designed to receive love. You are constantly taking in all the varieties of love, identity and direction available on the planet. The work for you is to receive that love and alchemize it into self love.

When you do that, you reflect it back out into the world. It’s almost like a perpetual motion love machine.

If you’re feeling disconnected from this ability to receive the love and beauty in your life and alchemize it into loving yourself, there are simple somatic practices that can help.

The most basic and accessible to us is to bring awareness to our breathing. Coherent breathing is a great place to start:

All this love stuff is really an inside job. And there’s no better way to connect back in to our insides—our bodies and our inner knowing—than through our breathing.

So, I hope you have a bit of time today to sit quietly, practice and to really appreciate yourself. You are the only YOU on the planet, and, for that simple fact alone, you truly matter.

Go be the YOUest!


PS: If you’re ready to drop some of the conditioning you carry around love, identity, direction and worthiness, I’d love to have your energy in my upcoming short course in March—Becoming the YOUest.